Homeschooling on the Road

Home is Where You Park It

There are many reasons a family may choose to homeschool. Maybe you are a military family and always moving around. Maybe you have an athlete or musician in the family that keeps you on the road. Maybe you love to travel with your family and have a flexible work schedule or can work remote. Whatever the reason may be it seems that more and more families are going towards homeschooling. We think at Veurink's RV Center that RVing can be a great option for "roadschooling" and families on the go. 

Benefits to Homeschooling in an RV:

  • Learning at Your Own Pace and Approach: In a classroom of 20-30 children, the teacher must teach at a pace and approach that appeals to the majority of the classroom. Homeschooling would then be a great option if your child moves at a faster or slower pace than the "average" classroom moves.
  • Meaningful Learning:  Let's just say being able to travel to an actual historical site across the country versus seeing the picture of it in a history book gives a whole new meaning to learning. It is more difficult to forget a war or president or movement when you actually go visit the place it happened than just regurgitating the information you were told on a pop quiz the next day in school. Giving your kids (and maybe even yourself) experience can be one of the best forms of learning.
  • Focus on Life Skills:  Some kids just plain don't love school. Your child may show that they are a phenomenal woodworker, aspiring artist, a mechanically inclined mind, or even a natural born musician. This is where homeschooling may offer more time for those skills where in an organized schooling program, the time for some of these things are limited to a few times a week or not even at all. It is a great way to encourage your child's gifts and abilities at an early age while still learning all the needed "credits" for schooling. 
  • Spending More Time with Family: Work has a new meaning in this day an age. So many jobs can be done remote now days from "wherever you park it" (your RV-that is). It seems that it's less likely to be the 9 to 5 and more likely to have different hours or even travel time. It can be harder and harder for families to be "together around the dinner table" now. Homeschooling in an RV can be a great way to spend more time as a family while meeting the demands work can bring.

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