From The President of
RV Center
Tim Veurink

RV Center
Tim Veurink
And whatever you do, whether in word or
deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father
through him. Colossians 3:17 NIV
Give thanks in all circumstances; for
this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.-I Thessalonians 5:18 NIV
Thanksgiving Day is a great time to be
intentional and reflect on the things that we are thankful for.
Over the
past few months I have been challenging myself in the area of thanksgiving. I
have been trying hard to make it a daily discipline. This journey of
contemplating my own level of gratitude has been quite eye opening.
A couple of areas
I have been challenged with are in the areas of
Here are a couple of my thoughts that I am working through:
1. Genuine thanksgiving is not selfish inflow but produces selfless
outflow. Certainly, an attitude of thanksgiving would be to acknowledge and appreciate the
blessings we have been given. However, it does not stop there and it is much
more. I believe that true thanksgiving is also an attitude of giving and
returning the blessings we have by using them to glorify the One who is the
fount of every blessing God, Himself. This is usually played out when we show
kindness in word and deed by transferring the fruit of those blessings to others.
2. We are to be thankful in all
circumstances. Now
wait a minute, being a person of outflow is hard enough but being thankful in
all circumstances, that is impossible. Well, without God, it is impossible.
Sometimes people will say when life’s circumstances go their way that “God is good”.
This is true and when this happens it should be celebrated. But is not God
still good even when life’s circumstances deal us a blow or go a different way
than we had planned? God says we are to trust Him in all situations.
B L E S S I N G...
is experienced when we are in a humble posture and cry out to Him, remembering what He has done in the past and thankful that He also holds the
The nation of Israel, when set free from slavery, still faced challenges
in the Promised Land. God told them to “Remember” the Lord their God and how he
delivered them from the past. They also were to look beyond life’s obstacles,
not negotiate their values because life was difficult, and they were to look toward
God and trust Him no matter what.
My Great Grandmother in her Wisconsin Dutch
accent would recite
Psalm 121: “I will lift mine eyes to the hills, from
whence cometh my help”.
This Psalm was sung by the ancient Hebrew pilgrims
who made their annual festival trek to the Temple of God. They had to look
beyond the obstacles and dangers of the journey. Along the way, they would look toward
the hills to the Holy City of Jerusalem for it was there were they would
worship Almighty God. It was there were they would find hope and worship with
thanksgiving (Ps 122). We too are called to remember what God has done. He also
has given us eyes to “lift to the hills”. These eyes are the eyes of faith. It
is with these eyes of faith that we can be sure and certain that what we hope
for is real (Hebrews 11). It is with these eyes that we actually see the
perfecter of faith, Jesus Christ, who endured the cross and it is with these eyes that we can see the destination of the heavenly holy city. When we see with eyes of
faith and we know our help comes from the Lord. We can be sure and certain that
the hope of God is real and He always knows best. It is then that the power of
life’s circumstances no longer has a hold on us.
God is always good all the
time and for that I need to be thankful all the time.
May you consider this journey of thanksgiving with me, as I strive to
be a person of more outflow and a person who is unshakable in all
circumstances. May we all remember what God has done and looks forward in
thankfulness to the destination.
Thank you to
all of our stakeholders, our customers, employees, vendors & partners.
May you all
have a blessed Thanksgiving
-Tim Veurink
Beautifully said, Tim. And may you, too, have a blessed Thanksgiving!
ReplyDelete- Jan